Editorial Statute
Pessoa coletiva com estatuto de utilidade pública
Editorial Statute


Revista Militar is a society made up of officers of any arms or services and in any situation, with the rank of Officer, from the Army, Navy, Air Force and National Republican Guard.

Its main object is the publication of Revista Militar which, as a military periodical, comes in twelve issues, corresponding to the months of the year, three of which are double issues (February/March, June/July and August/September) and which is concerned with promoting the discussion and propagation of military knowledge and subjects, and in particular those concerning the branches of the national Armed Forces and the National Republican Guard.

The articles published in Revista Militar must preserve absolute impartiality in matters of a political and religious nature and exclude personal assessments, and the opinions expressed are the sole responsibility of their authors.

Revista Militar reserves the right to exclude any article that does not fall within the editorial line established by these Bylaws.

 2024-12-26   550 
by COM Armando Dias Correia